Regardless of the unique portions of this title, Realm Royale really feels like it fell apart after the release of Fortnite. You still have to rely on forging items and defending your position while they’re being made, which takes skill rather than pure luck. However, this definitely leads me to the point that the game is well balanced around abilities. Despite the fact that these were fun abilities overall, I didn’t find myself leaning on them too often – I’d often resort to gearing up with legendary weapons/runes/armor. Using these powers, the game involves some different aspects of strategizing and optimizing your loadouts. This can range from ‘flight’ using slinging spells, to deploying turrets, to even becoming invisible for a short time to surprise the opposition. Depending on the champion you’ve chosen, there are different abilities to wield that give you an edge over your enemies. Most notably, it is set in a world that is based on magic and fantasy that adds a few new elements to play around with. For Realm Royale, this is still mostly true, although there are some primary differences that set it apart from competitors. The main idea of a battle royale game is to find decent weapons (usually through luck), have a bit of third person shooting skills, and hoping you don’t get jumped from behind while outrunning the enclosing circle.